Naltrexone For Alcoholism: Does It Really Work?

For individuals battling opioid or alcohol addiction, naltrexone is a medication for the management of withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, naltrexone helps individuals escape the trap of addiction by blocking the positive effects of substances. Notably, naltrexone for alcohol is effective for alcohol use disorder (AUD) but is just as effective at treating opioid use disorder (OUD). […]
Xanax and Alcohol: Why This Mix Is More Dangerous Than You Think

Xanax and alcohol are a dangerous mixture of substances that can have a fatal result. Because both substances work synergistically, they can over-sedate the body to the point of depressed breathing and a weak heartbeat. But once you begin mixing substances, it’s easy to develop an addiction to both. Mixing Xanax and alcohol isn’t a […]
Finding the Right Alcohol Abuse Treatment in Arizona for You

Many people don’t realize just how damaging alcohol abuse in Arizona can be to all aspects of their lives. Once you develop an addiction to alcohol, it’s nearly impossible to quit, not to mention dangerous to do alone. Our treatment center in Arizona is fully equipped to help you overcome your alcohol use disorder. What […]
Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Women

Alcohol and drug abuse in women is different from men from a biological and psychological standpoint. These differences highlight the need for gender-specific approaches when addressing alcohol and drug abuse in women. More specifically, men and women face unique challenges when it comes to addiction due to biology, mental health disorders, and gender roles. Stimulant […]